General Rules:
1. All the students, research scholars, faculty members and non-teaching staff are members of the library.
2. Users have to sign in the register before utilising the library services.
3. Personal printed materials i.e. Books, journals, magazines etc and other belongings are not allowed in library reading room and stacks area.
4. Photography, smoking, sleeping, use of cell phone and talking loudly are strictly prohibited in the library.
5. No any printed reading material can be taken out from the library without issuing or special permission.
6. Materials borrowed are subject of checking by library staffs before leaving the library.
7. Marking, underlining, writing in the pages of printed materials and damaging by tearing pages etc. are not allowed in cases of issuance and consultation.
8. Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library would be liable to lose the privilege of library membership.
9. Outsiders to the college can be permitted only after special permission from the Principal.
Membership Rules:
1. Library membership is open to Faculty Members, Students and Non-teaching Staff of the Jagat Taran Girls Degree College, Prayagraj.
2. Members should produce their Identity Card at the entrance of the Library.
3. “No Dues” Certificate from the library is essential for the students, faculty members and non teaching staffs whenever leaving the college.
Circulation Rules:
1. Circulation facility is restricted to registered members only.
2. Students have to present their library card for issuing a book.
3. Textbooks will be issued for 7 days to a student and for 30 days to a faculty member.
4. Books reserved by other users may be blocked to be issued.
5. A fine of Rs. 2 per book per day will be charged on expiry of return date in case of students.
6. Reference books, serial publications and non print materials shall not be issued.
7. Users have to check the book if it is in good condition. If he/she find any mutilation, he/she has to get signed it by the library staff on issuing counter. Books only in good condition will be accepted during return of the same.
8. If books are lost after issue, the users have to return a fresh book with same/higher edition of the book. If fresh books are not available, the users have to pay Rs. 500 as fine with original price of the book.
9. If Library Card or Reading Card is reported lost by a student, an amount of Rs. 25/- shall be charged for issuing duplicate card.
10. If one volume of multi-volume book is mutilated or lost, the borrower is liable to replace complete the set in case of single volume is not available separately in the market.
11. Books are property of the library; hence books can be called to return before due dates also in exceptional cases.
12. Reading Cards and Library Cards are issued to students for reading and issuing printed materials respectively for one year duration by the library.
Use of Computers/Laptops etc:
1. Computers and laptops in the library should be used for academic purposes only.
2. No chatting, browsing social networking sites, playing games is allowed on the computers and laptops.
3. Laptops are permitted in only those sections where computers are not installed.
4. Sharing usernames and passwords of online databases or services are not allowed in any case to the users.
5. Changing and sharing any type of usernames and passwords are not allowed to the users.
6. Users have not rights to set or change any password on the computers being used by them.
7. Students must take care of their Pen drives, CD/DVDs, mobiles and wallets etc.